Saturday, November 21, 2009

Back in the saddle again..

Riding to the market in the evening, the sun was setting. They sky's here is always uniquely breathtaking.

What you can access by way of motorbike or motorcycle is beyond any bus or truck trek or tour the country could offer. Which has prompted a group of us to consider the possibility of getting motorcycles to travel around the continent on.

A little bit slower, and a lot more room for choice, we'd be able to take as many side tracks and back roads and need be, and then either camp or stay were ever we can find a place. If it ends up happening, photos will be here.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm coming home

I was back for a little while. Absolutely beautiful. I think I've managed to put my homesickness out of my heart for the 5 months I was gone. But its surely impossible once you're back. I really do love being in the US – being home. I was so busy I even forgot to take pictures. For realz.

Except these. These are of my dear sister her cute hound.