Thursday, October 13, 2011


Break Down

Heading home our bus broke down. This is not so uncommon in Thailand, with steep hills, extreme heat, and possibly a mixed level of bus maintenance. Everyone automatically piles off, and making phone calls is their chief concern, until finally a fleet of smaller buses is called form farther away - an hour or more - to carry the group on further.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Teacher Allison

 The striking effects of Teacher Allison, a power outage, and a trash fire. Thanks landlady's husband.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Birthday in Brooklyn

January 12th, my birthday in Brooklyn. Delicious cake and good friends.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

When we fall in love with the love we've got - III

I think its fitting to at start with this link as I've always found personal work of photographers to be the most inspiring:

I've been lucky enough to be inspired by a mother and a grandfather who also took photos.
In December  I returned home for the first time in over a year. It had been the longest yet that I hadn't seen my family.  The most surprising element was how distinctly normal it felt to be back. And what also came back to me was everything I'd grow up with - the dynamic of MY family.

I've been 'working' on this small project on and off since 2008. About my family, and how we all influence each other. Originally it was specifically focused on my mother, her battle with ADHD and depression, and the distinct influence that has had on our lives. But really, as with family, it is never that cut and dry. And being back with them, and with a camera in my hand, I was reminded that this is more a look at us all.

This is just another part.